Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

Twin Flames

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glowing gold ring with two bodies one soul inscribed on it representing what is a twin flame connection
Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

True Stories of Twin Flames

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pink shadow hand holding heart shadow work in twin flames
Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

Spiritual Love Lessons

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arm blocking off something in shadow representing blocks to divine timing in love
Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

Karmic Relationships

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why karmic relationship feel like deja vu
Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

True Stories of Soulmates

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soulmate true stories real life
Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda


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what kind of soulmate types
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twin flame or soulmate
Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

The Situationship Era

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signs he’s ready to commit 2025
Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

Love Signs and Synchronicities

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Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

Healing & Harmony

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Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

Reader Favorites

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Intuitive Amanda

Intuitive Amanda

Friend of Medium

Obsessed with Twin Flames and helping women find theirs. Living in Union since 2019 ❤️‍🔥